Thursday October 19th 2006, 7:49 pm
Australia has some of the best editorial toonies on earth.
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So true Mr Weez. Poor ol’Aunty is being much abused. Seems to be a bit of strike action around. The natives are restless (R.N. was out action when I tuned in yesterday and tonights tele news came from outer mongolia)but I’m not sure what specific issue is on the aggenda. Any clues?
Comment by joe2 10.19.06 @ 9:22 pmThe CPSU has started a campaign of rolling strikes at ABC, which they are calling a ‘rolling campaign,’ doubtless due to some DorkChoices nonsense. They’re doing this to strengthen the bargaining position for members without cheesing orf the audience too much.
Comment by weez 10.20.06 @ 6:06 pmLeave a comment
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