If WorkChoices is so fair, why does it need a fairness fix?
Friday May 04th 2007, 9:50 am

et tu, voter?

Johnny-come-lately has suddenly come to the realisation that WorkChoices is about to lose an election for him. Grahame Morris must have forgotten to tell Johnny that labour is not a commodity.

Johnny’s now acknowledging that WorkChoices gives employers too much power to screw workers- and needs a fairness repair.

The Bard put words in Caesar’s mouth;

“It’s only hubris if I fail.”

Well, Johnny… you’ve failed.


2 Comments so far
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Very amusing!

Comment by Shaymus 05.04.07 @ 6:31 pm

The Government’s very own DHS has employees working all night without getting the penalty rate they ought to, because they get a TWO-hour break at midnight, so technically it is not a long shift.

Comment by Bwca 06.05.07 @ 9:38 am

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