Howard’s Tampa, 2007 version
Monday June 25th 2007, 10:06 am

I’m still on blogholiday, so I’ll let Bruce Petty do most of the talking:

image: Bruce Petty for The Age
image:  Bruce Petty for The Age

Prohibition doesn’t work- and aboriginals are full Australian citizens. If you could reasonably (and constitutionally) shut off the booze and send in the Army to Vaucluse to stop their abuse problems, you should reasonably be able to do it to aboriginal people- but not before.

HoWARd couldn’t get any traction demonising migrants, diseased or otherwise, so aboriginals are the Liberals’ election wedge for 2007. There’s more than a little Stockholm Syndrome in Noel Pearson’s ‘we’ll take anything‘ position.

Makes me nothing but sad.


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I’ve said it in other blogs:

If the Aboriginals do not own/want the changes the nothing “we” do will make a difference. When they want to change things, then nothing “we” do will stop them.

Comment by wizman 06.25.07 @ 4:30 pm

I can’t recall our self righteous prig of Prime Minister ever saying anything that indicated an understanding of Indigenous Australia – now he’s just another know all ‘do gooder’. Still, if the “Battler of Baghdad” can’t successfully invade Iraq, he might be onto a winner during this year’s winter campaign in Arnhem Land.

Comment by Fritz 06.25.07 @ 4:43 pm

Some indigenous people have been fleeing, terrified of the latest ‘intervention.’

Comment by weez 06.26.07 @ 11:13 pm

Just listening to Pearson’s hand-wringing meanderings on Lateline, lord I wish he’d just join the Liberal Party – preselection should bring him back to the planet. Is he a moron or just pretending? Rudd can afford to spend some popularity here because if this turns into another non-exit strategy cock-up then political support for the first Australians will be forever “avoid-at-any-cost”.

Can’t wait for the SAS lads to swoop on the pedophile mining campers. Spread the word: “ALL miners are kiddy fiddlers” until the whites clean up their own backyards.

To answer Noel’s plaintive whinging – yes, something has to be done, now. No, because we don’t trust Howard’s liars, especially in election mode. And Ruck Fudd, he’s starting to sound like the Bomber. No leadership.

Good Grief, I wet myself.

Comment by theHippy 06.27.07 @ 12:43 am

Pearson is so accustomed to getting nothing for indigenous people that anything is welcome, even if delivered upon minor children by army medics with a gynaecological field hospital kit.

HoWARd’s colonialism is absolutely screaming in this desperation play. In American football, it’s called a ‘Hail Mary.’

If anyone was ever looking for K-Rudd to turn to Krudd, it just happened. Kim over at LP & I are of the same mind.

Comment by weez 06.28.07 @ 12:34 am

[…] 25 June 2007, I wrote: Prohibition doesn’t work- and aboriginals are full Australian citizens. If you could […]

Pingback by mgk: Machine Gun Keyboard 08.14.07 @ 7:36 am

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