Amphibious assault on the silvertails
Tuesday August 14th 2007, 7:35 am

image: Alan Moir for The Sydney Morning Herald

image: Alan Moir for The Sydney Morning Herald


On 25 June 2007, I wrote:

Prohibition doesn’t work- and aboriginals are full Australian citizens. If you could reasonably (and constitutionally) shut off the booze and send in the Army to Vaucluse to stop their abuse problems, you should reasonably be able to do it to aboriginal people- but not before.

Crikey picked up my comment, seems Alan Moir feels the same… but why haven’t any other media seen the inequity between the HoWARd gubmint’s handling of child and substance abuse in Mutitjulu and Vaucluse?

You can’t make me believe Vaucluse has no abuse problems; it’s time the Army went in with elbow-length rubber gloves and got a few silvertails’ kids on the exam table, just to be sure.

You can never be too careful. Won’t somebody think of the children?


3 Comments so far
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Gosh, weez, don’t you know by now, that mum’n’dads’… little helpers…’prescription drugs’ are not actually “drugs”?

It’s the kids that have the problem!

Comment by joe2 08.14.07 @ 9:06 pm

Now there is an idea for a desperate government.. “War on Youth”.

Comment by joe2 08.14.07 @ 9:14 pm

joe, the HoWARd govt has been conducting a war on everyone, especially since 2004 when they got control of the flaming Senate and decided now was the time to make their mark, as it were. If this govt really were desperate to win the upcoming election, all they’d have to do is repeal every bit of legislation enacted since then. I think that KRudd will probably do some of that regardless, hopefully leaving history to record the HoWARd years as the skidmark on the national knickers that it has truly been.

Comment by weez 08.15.07 @ 7:19 am

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