‘Chaser style prank’ fake Muslim leaflet smear gets jailarious
Sunday March 23rd 2008, 6:38 am

Bus. Ted. Former MP Jackie Kelly's hubby Gary Clark caught with the goods

Lib charges over leaflet

Heath Gilmore and Lisa Carty
March 23, 2008

FIVE men will be charged over the Lindsay leaflet scandal which sent the Liberal Party into crisis just days before November’s federal election.


The November 21 distribution of a fake pamphlet alleging Labor wanted the Bali bombers forgiven was the nail in the Coalition’s coffin at the election three days later. The pamphlets carried the ALP logo and were from the non-existent Islamic Australia Federation.

The covert letterboxing, uncovered by a team of Labor sleuths armed with cameras, was designed to secure victory for Liberal candidate Karen Chijoff by linking the Labor Party with Islam.

The Labor Party’s official complaint on the matter names Jeff Egan, a member of the State Executive of the NSW Liberal Party and former Liberal Deputy Mayor of the City of Blue Mountains; Gary Clark, husband of now retired Federal Member for Lindsay, Jackie Kelly and also Troy Craig, President of the Glenmore Park Action Group as being photographed distributing the leaflets. Jeff Egan was stood down immediately after the trap was sprung. There were five people in all caught distributing the leaflets by the Labor Party’s investigative team. The identities of all five to be charged have yet to be released by NSW Police but one would presume those to include at least the five leafleters observed by the ALP’s team.

The ALP complaint further alleges, based upon the distinctive blue monochrome scheme used in the leaflets, that they were printed on a risograph duplicating machine, of the sort rather coincidentally provided to Federal MPs’ electorate offices, such as that of Jackie Kelly. If Kelly escapes charges, she ought to buy a few million lottery tickets.

Information received by FightDemBack! indicates that the leaflet drop on 21 November 2007, in which leafleters were caught red-handed, was the mere tip of the iceberg. Leaflets are reported to have been distributed in and around the Lindsay electorate as early as October, 2007.

Slime doesn’t pay.


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With this in mind, banning political donations seems like a pretty safe move, wot?

I presume Morrie would do a Howard and exploit the “necessary Govt Advertising” loophole for all its worth. Strand the righty twerps in the dark and run the joint like a personal employment agency… Vying for fat jobs in the Coal, Electricity, Gaming and Sicilian real estate industries, while Barry will be lucky to get work as a bouncer in the Vatican.

Comment by hip 03.26.08 @ 5:27 am

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