Honey, does my gun look big in this?
Wednesday July 27th 2005, 12:17 pm


image: Sydney Morning Herald

Sydney Airport Corporation’s manager of security infrastructure, Kylie White, is quite correct when she says that passive millimetre-wavelength (MMW) scanners will be hard to sell to the public. Above is an example of the sort of detail revealed by MMW. It’s obvious to me that this guy is wearing Levis 501 jeans and is right handed, considering were he keeps his car key, wallet and handgun grip! Could lay off the doughnuts, too…

However, Kylie appears to be working on old information when she claims that MMW scanners require a long "exposure" time which would slow down passenger movement through airports. UK based Qinetiq Corp has developed a MMW scanner which would provide imaging like the above in real time, with full motion video. The company claims that these scanners could be operated overtly or covertly.

Since MMW works on the principle of detecting emitted millimetre-length waves from the body (ostensibly waves below the infrared part of the light spectrum), about the only foil to the system would be… foil. If you wore metallised undergarments (perhaps aluminised mylar), the scanner at least would not see your pink bits.

That tin-foil hat is sounding better all the time.



2 Comments so far
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What’s that tucked into his right sock?

Comment by suki 07.29.05 @ 7:42 pm

“Spinal Tap” in the airport. Need I say more?

Comment by foxman 07.29.05 @ 8:44 pm

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