Steve Fielding is a credulous dope
Monday June 08th 2009, 12:35 pm

Fielding wants solar flare theory investigated

By Emma Griffiths for AM

Family First Senator Steve Fielding says increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere might not be causing global warming.

He has been at a climate change conference in the United States where he heard that solar flares could be linked to temperature change.

In other news, Fielding also wants to know why invisible pink unicorns have been duping young women into having happy, fun abortions.

This part knocks me out:

“Now obviously that’s a question mark that I need to get to the bottom. Now I’m an engineer, so I suppose that when someone puts forward an opposing view, I’ve got to check out to make sure whether it’s right or wrong.”

No wonder Steve-o can’t keep a job as an engineer. A real one would inquire about the radiant infrared emission potential of solar flares, the nature of their transience and conductivity of radiant IR through 149,730,000km of space and, after a quick shave with Occam’s, conclude that solar flare activity would be enormously less likely to cause global warming than rising atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and other such gases.

The arrogance of ignorance is staggering.


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Fielding feels heat over solar flare theory

David Karoly is a professor of meteorology at the University of Melbourne.

He says the source of Senator Fielding’s new-found knowledge – the American Heartland Institute – deserves closer inspection.

“It is very surprising that he doesn’t accept the best information from scientific assessments… but seeks to get his information from a group of climate change deniers, an organisation that’s receiving sufficient funding from the fossil fuel industry,” he said.

See also the Sourcewatch entry on the Heartland Institute.

Comment by weez 06.09.09 @ 1:44 pm

Somebody should explain to this prat that if human corpulence didn’t cause climate change then some God must’ve. If finger-pointing is in order then let it begin with the Hillsong Jihadists and Osama bin Jesus!

Comment by hip 06.09.09 @ 3:53 pm

Not sure I can point a finger at xianity as a cause of global warming, hip.

I CAN point a finger at Fielding as an example of a stupid politician who really belongs in the dole queue instead of Parliament.

My non-finger-pointing hand is occupied giving a few bucks to Bob Brown for doing something real to help stop global warming.

Comment by weez 06.09.09 @ 7:11 pm

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