Another SMH poll on Labor’s internet filter folly
Tuesday March 30th 2010, 7:38 pm

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Notwithstanding the domestic rate of opposition to the filter, a link was posted on digg and reddit to the poll thus the elevated voting rate.

Comment by Dan 03.31.10 @ 7:04 am

Could be an influencing factor, although many more Australians now know about the fallacies in the Rudd/Conroy folly than when the last SMH poll was conducted on 15 December 2009, where some 21,000 votes were recorded, also with 96% in opposition. This poll also was billed as a lead story on both The Age and the SMH, while the last poll was buried in the Technology section.

Even with the indeterminancy of this admittedly unscientific poll, no other issue attracts the amount of public participation seen on the Fairfax sites’s polls and comment threads. Fairfax polls usually attract 1000 votes at best. Comments usually peter out at about 30-50. The latest story about Conroy and censorship has nearly 700 comments as of this writing with the overwhelming majority being in opposition to censorship. The opposition isn’t comprised of any monolithic group, certainly is not comprised of paedophiles or moron kids screaming that they have a fundamental right to porn- it’s a broad cross section of the community. It’s fairly realistic to say that opposition to censorship is all but universal.

Comment by weez 03.31.10 @ 7:48 am

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