Steve Fielding: A liar or just stupid?
Wednesday June 16th 2010, 8:47 pm

Parental leave open to abortion rorts: Fielding

Senator Fielding raised concerns that some “drug addicts” or “welfare cheats” could deliberately fall pregnant, then have an abortion and rort the system

The paid parental leave legislation, which is being debated in the Senate, allows for women who have stillbirths to claim the payment.

During debate, Senator Fielding raised concerns that some “drug addicts” or “welfare cheats” could deliberately fall pregnant, then have an abortion after 20 weeks and rort the system in order to be eligible for payments.

“Drug addicts and welfare cheats can go out there and get themselves pregnant and then after 20 weeks have an abortion and still pocket the Government’s cash,” he said.

However, the Government says women who choose to have an abortion are not eligible for paid parental leave.

Attention Senator Fielding: A stillbirth is not an abortion.

Is it possible that he doesn’t know the difference? Given Fielding’s many other gobbets of gobsmacking buffoonery, I actually think it is.

I suppose if Steve-o wants something to bitch about, it is true that women who have had a stillbirth (not an abortion) are eligible for the baby bonus. Now that can’t be right, the danged woman hasn’t produced anything for society, why should she get paid, for heaven’s sake? Could it be that we just might have a shred of compassion in our benefits structure?

Fielding lives in a twisted, less-than-6000-year-old world where storks bring babies, global warming is a hoax, science is a conspiracy to fool him and internet censorship is a good idea, so I suppose I shouldn’t be too flabbergasted… but I am.


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