NSW Healthcare Complaints Commission swats anti-vaccination liars
Tuesday July 13th 2010, 4:50 am

Steve Cannane reports on the HCCC ruling against the Australian Vaccination Network:

Newsflash, Meryl: Your twisted fantasies and conspiracy theories are not medical science. Mind you, if you’re certain you’re right, you won’t mind a big ol’ dose of poliovirus.

Downside: The HCCC doesn’t really have any teeth. Dorey and her flying monkeys will be able to continue to spread falsehoods about vaccines and vaccination safety, more or less with impunity.

Kristina Keneally, are you listening? There must be enforceable penalties for spreading false healthcare information- and that will take some legislation.

In the meantime, Meryl Dorey continues to be a liar and a fraud- and anti-vaccination continues to be child abuse, just as much as allowing your children to play hopscotch on a motorway.


2 Comments so far
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“There must be enforceable penalties for spreading false healthcare information”
I totally agree. I read an article in a local paper recently where a ‘Homeopath’ subtly inferred that he had treated clients (no such thing as patients for non-doctors) who had brain damage caused by proper immunisation. He and the editor of the paper and the ‘journalist’ (really not the appropriate title) responsible should all be at least in court for lies like that. Made my blood boil; is there a homeopathic remedy for that?

Comment by MaxF 07.25.10 @ 5:46 pm

Homeopathy would indeed have a remedy for boiling blood. Just add water. Lots of it. And then a bit more. Keep adding water until there’s no recognisable blood left.

Comment by weez 07.25.10 @ 6:30 pm

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