This list of Twitter accts which have voted for @HealthRanger in the Shorty Awards in #health are obvious violators of at least one of the following rules (as listed on * A tweet that does not give a reason for the nomination will not be counted * Voters must be active Twitter users prior to the start of the competition. Votes originating from new Twitter accounts or accounts used mainly for Shorty Awards voting will automatically be disqualified and will not count toward the rankings * Votes must appear publicly. Votes from private Twitter accounts will not be counted This list is by no means comprehensive; I only have reviewed back to 20 Jan 2010 16:19:31 UTC-05:00, which covers only about 8 out of 49 pages of votes, yet I have found 104 invalid votes. @zhhej @stslater @Mutzey @MikeShive @Yalunga @Peppermint0805 @NaturalHWC @danieltorgerson @PandoraKid229 @VaccineRights @Dark_Falcon7 @nickhaas1 @BDrugFree @phdinh33 @Jerkyturkey2 @akiradeering @Naturopathic1 @NadiaFaz @MonroeLuvinia @stonekat @qvminich @mrtamm @anasses @jesseholly @ronhende @Moxxortamworth @TinkLucypup @TamaraCote @kimber_meyers @gfd19992000 @Jannysto @TeamBuck @Rena61 @nicholnelson @poodlebeenz @lateblummer @cisonouk @RoxaneMarin @twitchy7 @littlemongoose @missllaaurraa @Mattoine (acct deleted) @robinvreugdenbu @CassioFreeman @StaceyS4 @johntlinnell (numerous invalid votes in several categories) @johntlinnell (numerous invalid votes in several categories) @Richsifu @K8Jenkins @c2saint @TInFish54 @Shelleycn @TawniChenille @daybreakarts @yourslately @zensibilia @AzureFontana @Rosannemariern @benji456 @novembergale @Capiola @mealama @bobby615 ------- above 63 invalid votes reported to Shorty Awards 21 Jan 2010 9:32pm @crystalliana @guyross @zenoiflas @laevan (voted then deleted tweet, no nomination reason given) @joells1 @Tomeato @marjanca12 @gullvagninn @johnramen @love1446 @fcrpsd @JohnNapper @aletszamrub @60PCBradley @DrLexus @informempower @susiparisienne @tkida79 @praveen_perera @crandreww @vinodwinny ------- above 21 invalid votes reported to Shorty Awards 22 Jan 2010 4.13am @happyvida @shosanah @Cindiryan @nickilee0718 @austinbain @MrTissueBox @Jeff_A_C @ctijn @ppondel @nking87 @whosthesus @ssvillacorte @Elgp56 @serenitypond1 @coleyoga @G2Santos @ellmando @sblakes1000 @dolphin912 @marypodlesak ------- above 20 invalid votes reported to Shorty Awards 22 Jan 2010 2.49pm @migun4you @andrewlogan25 @lypoProtein @spacetruckn @windshieldcrack @youcann @danmcdonalddc @JimGrapek ********* Shorty Awards disqualified @healthranger at this point