Melbourne bloggers show Sydney grrrl a great time.
As I sat at Spleen,
giggling at the premise of meeting bloggers whose physical identity I did not know (except for Barista), I found myself smiling at everyone who made eye contact with me (or my bits) instead. This turned out to be a very successful tactic as I met:
- Nabakov
- Blogger on the Cast Iron Balcony
- Northcote Knob
- Vincent
- Gummo Trotsky who navigated the waters for Tugboat Potemkin
- The GG (and The Lady Livia) There Aint no Sanity Clause
- Kent and Amy who want to blog
- boynton
- Laputan Logic
- Mallrat from Brave our Burbs
There was wine, yummy food, enthusiastic discussion and some bloggers who would have passed each other on the way to lectures, long before our online words would have us meet…
A fun night out was had by this Sydney grrrl.
Thank you to all that made it memorable.
Image from here