Poor Mark. Leadership demands human if not superhuman effort.

I have no loyalty to Mark Latham and it seems I’m not alone.
I’m not even that enamoured of the Labor party since Paul Keating went off to do other things.

I am however, committed to the end of the HoWARd, Downer, Ruddock, Vanstone, Anderson et al regime.

So, Federal Labor, get some style advice for Kevin Rudd and put him up as leader.

John HoWARd needed new glasses, bright ties and a brow wax before he became acceptable.

I’d like to see a woman in the job. I’d like to see more women in charge!
We’re certainly capable of being superhuman.

The US leads in the area of women in powerful positions. The US may be ready for a Hilary-shaped President in 2008.
With the way that Australia slavishly follows the US; we could have a Julia-shaped leader of the opposition by 2013.

Please just make the decision and get on with being in opposition with a LEADER!












Illustration by John Spooner

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