Directive and patronising

Today Pregnancy Help Australia, which is funded by the Government to give impartial advice to women about pregnancy choices, argued the abortion rate is already very high.

"Responsibility for approval for the use of a powerful drug which has controversial consequences, is deliberately life-destroying…should remain with the Minister for Health and Ageing." – PHA Executive Officer Anne Foster.

PHA receives nearly $250,000 a year in federal funding to provide impartial and non-directive advice to women about unwanted pregnancies.

I assume in an effort to show non-directive and impartial advice the PHA also makes submissions to social support seminars advocating for the reduction of pregnancy-to-birth rates in Australians living in poverty and disadvantage, as the rate of children growing up in such life threatening conditions is already very high.

Counselling under the guise of social engineering is despicable.

Using your position of expert to a vulnerable person is unethical and morally bankrupt. Make no mistake PHA, your comments today with terms such as ‘unborn baby’ ‘slowly killed’ clearly articulate your ideological outlook.

Using taxpayer money to fund your agenda in a secular society is actionable. 

ethical practices always

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7 Responses to “Directive and patronising”

  1. weezil Says:


  2. Suki Says:

    Yes weezil!
    Organisations that take public money are accountable to public scrutiny.
    E-mails questioning the ethics of funding such services for a largely secular society have gone to every Senator and MP. PHA is located in predominantly rural areas where choices and access to services are notoriously limited.

    Tomorrow I start on letters to the editor.

    Now I have to sleep.

  3. weezil Says:

    Think you can match the full page ad placed by the ‘God-Botherers Against RU486’?

  4. Naomi Says:

    Hideous, isn’t it?

    The only appropriate response is to launch an ad saying ‘Full-term pregnancy kills’. It does! Women who carry babies to term have a 10 times higher chance of dying than those who abort using surgery or RU-486. And where’s the campaign on that?

    Oh, that’s right. It’s unborn babies that matter, not those who house ’em.

  5. weezil Says:

    Unborn babies (or unborn children) are a bit like unbuilt houses.

  6. Aron Paul Says:

    Hi Suki,

    There is some discussion of this and a related petition in the past issues of

    Natasha Stott-Despoja also made a speech about this in the Senate.
    Responses from the various parties and Telstra were interesting.

  7. Suki Says:

    Thanks Aron.

    You have a great site.

    Some of us women put up an alternative womens forum australia.

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