Goodbye, Australia, nice knowing you
Saturday December 03rd 2005, 10:21 am


image: Bill Leak for The Australian 

There are almost no protections of workers’ rights in the American industrial relations environment. It’s called ‘employment at will.’ In such an arrangement, it is a supposedly equal exchange that employees are free to work or quit and employers are free to hire or fire, at any time, without any just cause or period of notice. Your notice of termination isn’t measured in weeks- it’s measured in minutes. (more…)

Your paperssss, pleees- granny.
Thursday December 01st 2005, 7:36 am

Deborah Davis - Freedom Fighter

Deborah Davis, a 50 year old grandmother of 5, was riding a Denver city bus to work last September. Davis was minding her own business, reading a book. The bus route happens to cross a Federal office complex. When the bus stopped on the complex, security guards boarded and demanded all passengers produce ID.

Davis refused to comply- and was violently manhandled to a waiting police car. Her belongings, including the contents of her purse and her mobile phone, were flung all over the bus.

In the United States, if you are not suspected of criminal activity, police have no right to demand identification papers. A police demand for identification from a non-suspect is a search without a warrant. (more…)