I was a pissweak dope from Texas.
It got rilly embarrassing when I had to ask Aunt Condi to take me out to wee wee all the time. I was always making tinkle when important stuff was going on, like when I was sposed ta talk about bombs and guns and gas and stuff.
Deepends™ turned me into a gen-u-wine statesman! Now I can suck plonk with the best of ’em and talk about them behind their backs when they’re off drainin’ the lizard.
Thanks to Deepends™, now I kin fill muh drawers- with confidence!
6 Comments so far
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Awesome!!! Gave us both a good belly laugh!!!
Comment by sister of weezil 09.17.05 @ 12:05 pmSis, I bet Dubya equally likes not having to miss the big plays while he’s off having a splash.
Comment by weezil 09.17.05 @ 12:14 pmDavid, if Dubya had to get into a pissing match, he’d first need a staff of speechwriters and spin doctors. Then, he’d need a couple of mechanical engineers to install a 10 gallon pisstank between his shoulderblades, which would of course be camouflaged as a remote teleprompter receiver.
Comment by weezil 09.17.05 @ 7:31 pmToo much work there Weezil, Little Johnny would do it for him.
Comment by JT 09.18.05 @ 1:42 pmThis is hilarious! Thank you for that one.
Comment by Nathasha 09.18.05 @ 11:10 pmLeave a comment
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