Nazi punks hunted human prey: the movie
Monday September 19th 2005, 12:22 am

A couple of sick, sad and sociopathic teenies in NZ went on a drive-by pedestrian shooting spree with an air rifle.


Even stoopider, Molloy is back on the air, threatening us with his "manly aryan love."

Don’t miss this blockbuster, brought to you by Sweatshop Productions, WeezilCo Heavy Industries and ZOG International Films.  


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National Front aspires to be a political party, but has been dogged by perceptions that members are right-wing, racist extremists

Yes they’re actually a front for the NZ Dahlia Growers Association. Club gear is pink cardies all round with tall collars, open-stitch panels and matching spiffy headbands.

Comment by cileo 09.19.05 @ 11:48 am

Hah! at leats they didn’t film it like the idiots in the States a while ago.

I always wonder what makes someone do something like this, I would love to ask them.

Comment by Apollyon 09.19.05 @ 8:14 pm

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