I just moved mgk to a new host only a few weeks ago due to poor response time performance on the last one. MD Webhosting did something to their FTP host about a week ago which has stopped me from being able to access the web storage space- and they either can not or will not fix it.
We gotta move house again. Got any suggestions for a hosting service that works well and has capable tech support?
2 Comments so far
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Of the bigger hosts, Dreamhost were fairly reliable when I used them. My site (and others I manage) is hosted at Textdrive, which I helped start up by providing seed funds. There have been teething problems, but the support is always friendly and they will not bs you.
Comment by dj 10.30.05 @ 4:14 pmThanks for the suggestion, dj. I’m researching more hosts today and probably will get on to moving everything tomorrow.
Comment by weezil 10.30.05 @ 6:03 pmLeave a comment
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