Saturday December 10th 2005, 10:08 am
image: Rex Babin for The Sacramento Bee
Spot on, Rex.
2 Comments so far
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Ohhh yes.
Anything critical of the US, or those that wrap themselves in its flag, or brown-nosers to them are instantly unpatriotic and most likely seditious.
Suki, it’s a greater crime that Shrub & Frankencheney wrap their lies in the memories of the soldiers that those lies killed.
Bit of a vicious cycle, but as long as they have the bodies of servicemen and women to pile up on the control of oil wealth, perhaps no one will notice… well, if unleaded is under 2 bucks a gallon, anyway.
Comment by weezil 12.10.05 @ 6:47 pmLeave a comment
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