This email was forwarded to me last weekend:
Subject: Fw: w: It’s Our Country – STAY HERE OR GO HOME
Our Country – YOU Have the right – the right to leave !
After Sydney not wanting to offend other cultures by putting up Xmaslights.
After hearing that the State of South Australia changed its opinion and let a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver’s license with her face covered.
This prompted this editorial written by an Australian citizen. Published in an Australian newspaper.
Quote:nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Australia.
However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.
This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.
This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.
We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, Learn the language!
“In God We Trust” is our National Motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you
consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our culture.If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don’t like “A Fair Go”, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.
We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, And we really don’t care how you did things where you came from.
This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this.
But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,
If you aren’t happy here then LEAVE We didn’t force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted. Pretty easy really, when you think about it.
I figure if we all keep passing this to our friends (and enemies) it will also, sooner or later get back to the complainers, lets all try, please.
No matter how many times you receive it… please forward it to all you know.
The Australian national motto is ‘In God We Trust’? Uh… no.
“Our Pledge“?! WTF?
Oops, wrong nationalism, you morons. I fully expect the next email to claim 1st Amendment rights to free speech in Cronulla.
UPDATE: This chain email indeed has its roots in the USA, with assorted racists adding bullshit as it goes along. In fact, the City of Sydney does have Christmas lights and no, you can’t get a driving licence in South Australia with your face covered in the photo.
13 Comments so far
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And when he divorces the wife she’ll still be his sister!?
In God We Trust?
What a knob!!!!!!!
The really pathetic thing about that message is that it is a {badly} editted verion of a racist American rant. True. You can google it.
The idiots who spread this stuff don’t even have the brains to be original.
Comment by mars 12.12.05 @ 8:54 pmA fortnight ago, I decided to partake in a small social experiment in Melbourne. At the time I casually shugged off any harsh criticism. After Sunday, I’m not so sure.
Comment by cileo 12.12.05 @ 9:59 pmFascinating, cil- but not surprising that you copped some abuse. But of course- Aussies are not racist. We know because John Howard says so.
Comment by weezil 12.13.05 @ 9:06 ammars, thanks for that. I found the reference to the chain email just a bit before you posted, but thanks for looking it up anyway. 🙂
Comment by weezil 12.12.05 @ 9:09 pmIf you don’t like “our” country, get of “our” land and go and live at the bottom of the ocean (since you have nowhere else to go). Oh? You want to throw your children overboard? That shows what sort of primitive-minded folk “we” are dealing with! Now, go and live at the bottom of the ocean and get the hell out of our precious lives.
Comment by Jennifer 12.13.05 @ 10:29 amMost of the racist cowards who sat at home forwarding on this message, were probably far too ignorant to realise the consequences of their actions, carried away with misguided Aussie patriotism. I hope those people will take some responsibility for the horrific beating of two women during the riots. It is time to wake up, as “ignorance” is no longer “bliss”.
Comment by Kate G 12.13.05 @ 11:16 amYeah I got that email as well Weez. I wrote a veeerrry long reply to it and sent it to everyone on the list. Ah – I don’t think that person will bother sending it to a “complainer” again… haha.
Comment by Dave 12.13.05 @ 11:44 pm“The Australian national motto is ‘In God We Trust’?” Off course it’s not. Because Australia is a free western society there I have the freedom to deny the existence of god. @ “cileo”: it’s also not a wise motto to trust in Allah! I hope the protest against the racist pigs on sunday will not become a proAllah-rally! Let us defend the free Australian society against all racists and fascists regardless of which origin they are, white power-nazis or islam-fascists. Fuck em all.
Comment by Secular Blasphemy 12.15.05 @ 1:21 pmYup– the worst outcome of all this riot hoohaa would be to strengthen the religious zealots in their zealotry.
Comment by Jennifer 12.16.05 @ 3:15 pm“In God we trust” has its origins in the U.S.A. and is intoned on the head side of their one cent coins just above Abraham Lincoln’s head! Why are racists so ignorant????
Comment by tony wells 01.25.09 @ 11:11 pmUm, isn’t Australia’s anthem Advance Australia Fair, and doesn’t it say ‘For those who’ve come across the seas we’ve boundless plains to share.’
I think sharing your land implies willingness to include different kinds of people.
[…] […]
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