Zoroastrians shaved my dog!
Tuesday December 13th 2005, 10:20 am

fighting tooth and nail over a perceived problem (image smh.com.au)The racists baying at the moon all sing the same song. ‘Those bloody Lebs are all rapists,’ etc.

Unfortunately, this war-cry isn’t borne out by the statistics. A pre-sentencing report in a NSW rape case in 2001 exposed facts compiled by the Australian Bureau of Crime Statistics indicating sexual assault was almost twice as prevalent in rural northern NSW, where there is a much lower proportion of ethnicities represented in the population, than it was in Bankstown:

In sentencing the youth, however, Justice Megan Latham specifically told the court that the crime had nothing to do with race or ethnicity. Moreover, official statistics from the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BCSR) clearly establish that media claims of increasing ethnic-based sexual assaults in the Auburn and Bankstown areas are completely bogus.

A press release issued by BCSR chief Dr Don Weatherburn, aimed at countering media distortions, explained that there was “no factual evidence whatsoever” that sexual violence was more prevalent in Bankstown or that the incidence of sexual assault was increasing in the area.

BCSR statistics show that the highest rate of sexual assaults occurs in rural NSW, where the proportion of immigrants is the smallest in the state. The sexual assault rate was almost twice as high in northern NSW than in Bankstown and only one Sydney region was listed in the highest 25 districts.

Just because someone in the pub last night said a Zoroastrian shaved his dog doesn’t mean it happened, nor does it mean you should start a witch-hunt against Zoroastrian dog shavers.

Conventional wisdom usually isn’t.


3 Comments so far
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[…] Zoroastrians shaved my dog! Weezil nails the un-logic in his special way! Also, Have you heard the Police Radios were jammed last night? Didn’t think so! Thanks again Weez! […]

Pingback by 12thharmonic Blog » The Violence and Denial Continue! 12.13.05 @ 12:30 pm

Don’t go introducing facts to counteract bigotry weez. It’s simply not fair!

Comment by Ben 12.17.05 @ 2:56 pm

Sorry Ben, I’ll try to be a bit more reactionary. 😉

Comment by weezil 12.17.05 @ 3:33 pm

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