Vanstone’s DIMIA is hemhorraging money over a string of abuses and misconducts.
The dentention of a young Iranian boy which caused him to witness other detainees attempt suicide and attack each other will run a bit over a million bucks.
Robert Jovicic, a longtime Permanent Resident, was deported to Serbia due to a string of crimes related to supporting his heroin habit. Jovicic, born in France to Serbian parents in 1966, came to Australia in 1968 when he was 2 years old. Former Immigration Minister Ruddock deported Jovicic to Servia despite Jovicic never before having set foot in the country. Vanstone has decided to bring the man back– and appears to be saying this is being done out of her good graces. The fact is that Jovicic qualifies as an ‘absorbed person’ under immigration laws- and should never have been deported at all. Wonder how much this little adventure will cost DIMIA?
DIMIA is giving the sack to GSL, the company charged with running the immigration detention centres, despite Vanstone defending the company in the past. The SMH says:
…immigration detention contractor GSL was found to have been hired even though it was more expensive and provided inferior services to competitors, the National Audit Office announced yesterday.
GSL’s bid was $32.6 million higher than that of the incumbent detention centre operator, ACM, when the latter’s bid expired.
Wonder how much the Rau & Alvarez cases have cost DIMIA? A couple of million isn’t unlikely.
Bad policy is terribly expensive. How ’bout we get it right the first time instead of having to mop it up with buckets of money?
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Still looking for my file!
3-4 years now?
And I’m paying for the privilage. No medicare ! Eight Years here
Thanks Johnny! You Suck!
This situation is my fault how?
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