Smokers in Australia will be familiar with the newly mandated cigarette pack labelling with extra-yummy graphic gore.
If the nanny-state reckons we need truth in advertising to keep us safe from ourselves, let’s not discriminate.
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2 Comments so far
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Excellent point brilliantly illustrated, Weez. But the first element of hypocrisy that comes to my mind is the Government’s refusal to regulate junk food advertising to children on the “nanny state” basis.
Comment by Ed 06.14.06 @ 2:22 pmEd, thanks for that. There’s far too much advertising pandering to children. Since kids don’t usually have a disposable income, it’s just a means of harassing the parents by proxy into spending.
If the government were in the least serious about stopping smoking, nicotine patches would be free on Medicare. They like the tax revenue far too much.
Comment by weez 06.14.06 @ 8:05 pmLeave a comment
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