The 7 July 2005 bombings on London transport used triacetone triperoxide (TATP), a crude, unstable explosive made from hydrogen peroxide, sulfuric acid and acetone. TATP doesn’t actually burn; it rapidly decomposes, releasing massive amounts of oxygen, creating an explosive effect. You’ll note that the double-decker bus bombed on 7 July 2005 didn’t have any fire damage.
TATP is certainly explosive enough to blow a hole in the side of an airplane, but the handling limits on TATP would make it nearly impossible to get aboard in precursor component liquid form. TATP is a crystalline solid when correctly made. One would not be practically able to make TATP from liquid acetone, sulfuric acid and H2O2 aboard an aircraft, making the ban on passengers carrying liquids a bit silly. Watch out for the guy with several bottles of lquids, an Esky and a few bags of ice, though.
When mixing TATP, the temperature of the solution must be kept below 10C at all times. If the temperature is not controlled correctly, the mixture either will not explode (as in the failed 21 July 2005 bombing attempts in London) or may explode prematurely.
The Register makes a convincing case for the recently exposed trans-Atlantic aircraft bombing plot being a complete furphy.
So, just who is actually waging a terror war on the peoples of the US and UK? Is it Al Qaeda or the US and UK governments?
UPDATE: Read Craig Murray’s take on the timing of the terror plot and who stood to gain. Most of the alleged bombers didn’t have passports- none had bought airline tickets.
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There’s a convincing argument that Osama bin Laden put his Oct. 2004 tape out in time to give Bush that tiny boost he needed to win, everything but OH, which remains an officially murky ?.
The argument goes that he did it, knowing that 50.1% of American voters would do what they did, and Bush and his evil and deluded policies would continue to recruit for his organizations and get trained in the bloodbath that is Iraq.
And he was right. (In this hypothetical argument.)
In “The One Percent Doctrine” a new book by Ron Suskind, Ron cites some convincing evidence that Al Qaeda has hatched workable plots attacking the holy ground that is US soil, but that they ditched because lack of terrorist attack actually helps keep Bush in office.
The answer is all three: Al Qaeda, the US and the UK.
Now I’m going to find out what furby means.
Comment by sozzy 08.21.06 @ 1:57 amSorry for the Australianism, Sozzy. That’s why I put in a link to the definition.
Such things sneak into one’s vernacular after about 10 years in Oz. 😀
Comment by weez 08.21.06 @ 8:06 amYou have to wonder…. if you don’t who will? Obviously they have no idea that such liquids clear or slightly opaque or else they’d not be asking people to taste test their baby formulas as a security ploy.
Comment by Supamum 08.23.06 @ 1:23 pmLeave a comment
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