This is a screenshot of the lead promotional banner on Seven’s website as of 2:45pm, 10 September 2006:
“…exactly what happened”?
Seven is quite aware of the controversy surrounding the misinformation, outright falsehood and conservative propaganda in the version of Path To 9/11 as it was released to right-wing media for review. A number of people in Australia have contacted Seven regarding the problems with the program, myself included, yet the above banner remains on the Seven website, claiming that the story told in Path is “The story of exactly what happened.”
ABC (America) is at this instant scrambling to cut some of the false and misleading material out of the version that will air in the USA. Seven are aware of this, yet advised me yesterday that they already have a copy of Path on tape. This copy could not possibly include the cleanup edits as they are still in process.
Seven advised me to write a letter if I wanted any action on this matter. Of course, by the time a letter is received, the program will have aired and the damage already done.
The same situation exists in New Zealand, where it is reported that TVNZ will air Path in the version they presently have on tape, albeit with a disclaimer:
TVNZ plans no changes to controversial mini-series
Posted at 12:08pm on 10 Sep 2006
Television New Zealand says it will run a disclaimer on Sunday night’s screening of a controversial mini-series portraying events leading up to September 11.
TVNZ spokesperson Megan Richards says the network will run whatever the ABC sends to it.
Ms Richards says TVNZ already has a version of the programme, but if it receives another one before the screening time, that will be run instead.
For Seven to promote the program in Australia as “exactly what happened” is grossly irresponsible and does an immense disservice to the Australian public- and the truth.
Let’s wait and see what version Seven will air tonight.
BBC caught up in row over 9/11 programme
On Friday, US broadcaster ABC, which has spent around $40 million on the production, reacted to the criticism by saying last-minute edits were under way. And a spokeswoman for the BBC defended the decision to go ahead with the broadcast, by saying: “The BBC are broadcasting the Path To 9/11 as planned. We will be showing the same version as is shown in the US.”
Seven Network Sydney telephone number: (02) 8777 7777
Seven/Yahoo message boards … see ‘The Path to 9/11’ controversy
4 Comments so far
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Weez, did you watch it? Have you any idea why England, Australia and New Zealand have any interest in this stupid movie?
This morning on BBC radio Lise Dusett (sp?) was running a call-in show about how YOUR life is changed since 9/11. I could have thrown the radio at the wall.
How about something pertinent like how has the average Iraqi’s life changed since we invaded? How has a soldier’s family’s life changed since we invaded? In my voluntere work for the Democratic party I met a woman who had just sent off her 57-yr old husband, who flew helicopters in Vietnam, back to “the front.” We have data about the bankruptcies, the domestic violence, the divorce rates in the families of the reserves, the National Guards, the regular army who have done 4 tours back-to-back.
OK, a bit off topic.
But this obsession with 9/11? I don’t get it. Sure it was traumatic. But the signs were pointing that way, with the WTC bombing, the embassy bombing, the USS Cole bombing, the increasing hostility towards US foreign policies that are purely self-interested.
The US does not need a great big global pity party for the fifth annivesary of 9/11.
What we need is a big global mirror so we can see what we look like to the rest of the world.
Comment by sozzy 09.11.06 @ 2:45 amSozzy, I watched most of it, but got it all on tape for later dissection.
The UK & Australia of course both have sent troops to Iraq, giving their citizenry a more direct concern about false information about Bush’s Iraq War than some other nations.
‘Big global mirrors’ would be useful if some folk- like King George and John Howard- didn’t choose to be blind.
The version aired on Seven in Australia last night was in fact the unexpurgated, false and defamatory version, touted by Seven as “The story of what exactly happened.” This will be attracting a complaint to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
Comment by weez 09.11.06 @ 9:14 amAlso, quite a large percentage of Australian television programming comes from overseas, notably the USA. Several Australian TV networks have agreements with some US networks to air US content. We may or may not have a specific interest in every whipstitch surrounding 9/11, but we’re force-fed quite a lot of crap from the US.
I have often referred to Australia as the ’51st American state’ due to the amount of US content carried on Australian television as a matter of course.
Comment by weez 09.11.06 @ 9:30 amThe amount of American material forcefed us on TV was brought home to me with great clarity this morning when the togster told me he’d seen a friend “on the sidewalk”. Eep!
It took ages when he was younger to train him to say “zed” instead of the Sesame Street “zee”, too.
Unfortunately a lot of people will unquestioningly accept this docudrama’s version of events in just the same way as my son accepted “zee”.
Comment by tigtog 09.11.06 @ 10:16 amLeave a comment
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