While it’s hardly sufficient to alert viewers to the significant material falsehoods in Path To 9/11, Seven have changed the banner on their website.
Here’s the original:
As of around 3:45pm AEST on 11 September 2006, the banner now makes a different claim about the show:
‘Dramatised investigation’ is accurate, but ‘thrilling’ definitely isn’t the description being used in most reviews.
Tom Shales at the Washington Post says in his review, ABC’s Twisted ‘Path to 9/11‘:
“Factually shaky, politically inflammatory and photographically a mess”
Seven should do more than stop claiming this program is ‘exactly what happened.’ A responsible broadcaster would pull it.
3 Comments so far
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“A responsible broadcaster would pull it.”
Ummm… so you were expecting what exactly, from the folks that bring you “Today (LOOK!!! SCARY MUSLIM ALERT!!!) Tonight” ?
Comment by Marcus 09.11.06 @ 9:44 pmWell, we’ll put it this way, Marcus…. I’m not recording the 2nd part of 7’s tripe tonight. I’ve made my point… futhermore, Al Gore is on Denton. 😉
Comment by weez 09.11.06 @ 10:06 pmThe “major new drama” had more drama around it then in it. Football got twice as many viewers, a real documentary of 9/11 (a rerun even!) got as many viewers as the twisted “Path”. Steve Jobs pulled out of the iTunes deal; Scholastic is using the controversy to teach teens how to tell truth from lies (ABOUT TIME).
ABC might have a dud on their hands.
Once again, the US issues heartfelt apologies for the boredom inflicted on the world by our really bad TV.
Comment by sozzy 09.12.06 @ 7:33 amLeave a comment
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