WaPo: 16 US spy agencies say Iraq war has become a “cause celebre” for Islamic extremists
ABC: US report ‘devastates’ Howard’s credibility
ABC: Kim Beazley said:
“For Australia it’s the wrong war in the wrong place and what we need now to do is change strategy, and focus on the area where we add most value – that’s here in South-East Asia.”
Reuters: Bush on defensive over intelligence report
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The Decider Man’s presidential powers increased today, to double-super-duper presidential powers. We’re very sad today. We’re sad for Iraq too, now that we know how much they want us out. Probably the soldiers will be handing out those t-shirts as they retreat, in exchange for the flowers and candies we got on arrival.
Best not to visit the US until the Supreme Court strikes down our legalized torture and indefinite incarceration legislation.
I hope the Decider Man continues his adventures.
Comment by sozzy 09.29.06 @ 2:06 pmSoz, I wasn’t considering travelling to the US until DC is scrubbed of the stench of King Decider Man and the Imperialists… which makes a fine garage band name, doesn’t it?
Comment by weez 09.29.06 @ 3:48 pmIsn’t Russell Crowe’s garage band currently nameless? Maybe there’s a suggestion box somewhere.
Here’s a piece of good news from the Kingdom of GWB – public polls indicate for the FIRST TIME that W’s favorability equals his job approval. This means we now understand that the man and the job are the same. I’d link to the poll but I’m afraid of HTML.
It’s a step.
Comment by sozzy 10.05.06 @ 6:28 amYep, I think Rusty’s considering changing it from ‘Thirty Odd Foot Of Grunts’ (TOFOG) to ‘Not Doing A Croc Hunter Film.’ (NDACHF), the acronym for which just isn’t quite as memorable. 😉
Comment by weez 10.05.06 @ 9:16 amLeave a comment
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