Videoblogger Josh Wolf jailed AGAIN
Tuesday October 10th 2006, 1:38 pm

Going Back to Prison

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US Federal prosecutors in the Josh Wolf case moved and succeeded in their motion to revoke Wolf’s bail. Wolf is once again imprisoned in the US Federal Penitentiary in Dublin, California.

Wolf will remain imprisoned pending his disclosure of his raw footage from a protest rally in which a police officer sustained a head injury, or until the April 2007 expiration of the term of the grand jury which has demanded his raw unpublished footage.

The American Feds are trying to make all journalists into agents of the police. There’s a major flaw in the case; California has a ‘shield law‘ which allows journalists to protect their sources. However, since the local police department receives funding from the US Department of Homeland Security, the Feds are trying to assert that Wolf has evidence in a Federal case against the unknown persons who may have assaulted the local police officer at the anti-globalisation protest Wolf recorded. Can you say ‘clutching at straws’?

I’ve only just read about Josh again being imprisoned this morning, though he was once again taken into custody on 22 September 2006. Josh’s mum, Liz, is minding Josh’s blog along with help from Josh’s friends while he’s back in the Dublin Penetentiary. Liz says that Josh is not getting as many letters as he did when he was last imprisoned and could use some mail to keep his spirits up.

You can write to Josh at:

Joshua Wolf 98005-111
Federal Correctional Institution – Dublin
5701 8th St. Camp-Parks, Unit J2
Dublin, CA, USA 94568

Just before re-incarceration, Josh was named Journalist of the Year by the Northern California chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. The national chapter of the SPJ had earlier in the year given Wolf a $30,000 Legal Defense Fund grant, the largest in their history, to help defray Wolf’s legal expenses. Wolf’s attorneys have agreed to cap their fees at $60,000. That still leaves a mighty gap of costs for Wolf to cover.

Support citizen journalism! Send Josh a letter or donate to his legal defence fund via the PayPal button on his blog.


2 Comments so far
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Thanks for posting this, Weez. I didn’t even know about it. What are friends on the other side of the world for? To keep you posted about events in your own country, apparently.

Comment by sozzy 10.13.06 @ 12:25 am

For anyone who’s interested in hearin’ a song about Josh Wolf, give a listen to the song “Free Josh Wolf”(podcast)
by Ralph Buckley

Comment by Ralph Buckley 10.13.06 @ 8:14 am

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