Teflon Rudd!
Monday March 12th 2007, 7:38 am

I'm the rubber and you're the glue! It bounces off me and sticks to you!

Kevin Rudd’s popularity has not only not been hurt by HoWARd’s carefully crafted, theatrical smears– but has been driven up to unprecedented levels.

The latest monthly Herald/ACNielsen poll shows Labor would win easily with a two-party-preferred vote of 61 per cent to the Coalition’s 39 per cent – a three-point swing to Labor over the past month.

It reveals the Government’s concerted attack on Mr Rudd’s integrity and judgement has backfired. Labor is in a stronger position than at the corresponding time before the election in 2001, when the Howard Government faced its darkest hour.

Much silliness has been made by pundits of ‘Saint Kevin‘ or ‘Rudd’s halo,’ but I don’t think voters ever had either perception. The decision voters will make is HoWARd’s record and character vs the perceived potential for a Rudd Labor government to begin to repair 11 years worth of damage to Australia, within and without.

I agree with Paul Keating’s take on the little dessicated coconut and Costello being “…all tip and no iceberg.” (thanks to ABC Radio National’s The World Today for the classic Keating clips) You can expect more ineffectual if not self-damaging thrashing about by HoWARd, Costello & Co. before the elections.

I do believe the Australian people have had quite enough of HoWARd- and we’re ready for a new direction. HoWARd’s mates on the big end of town have done very well for the last 11 years. Time for a paradigm shift.


(Be patient with SMH links- the SMH website has been winking on and off all morning for me)

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The Howard Government has been very clever to attack Mr Rudd’s credibility and as someone who has met him personally, he is sincere. However, not being a supporter of the major parties, it is policy that I’m concerned with.

There are many many issues that have been pushed aside and I would love my questions or should I say concerns, addressed.

We know that all governments are in trouble across this country and Mr Rudd’s test will come at his party’s National Conference.

Whilst we are heading towards a very interesting election; can Australia afford to give Howard and his team another term and secondly; does Mr Rudd and his team have the ability to put in place, policies that benefit all Australians?

For the AlP to win office from the Coalition, it must break its support for the government in the federal parliament and one can easily check the voting trends in recent years.

The author of the above posting is right to mention about a new direction and life under the Howard government hasn’t been made easier.

Comment by Atomic Kid 03.19.07 @ 8:28 pm

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