Christian Democratic Party leader MLC Rev Fred Nile has accused Greens MPs of being drug users.
Nile has challenged NSW Greens MP Lee Rhiannon to take a drug test. Nile will also take a drug test. Nile is also questioning the need for sharps disposal containers in Parliamentary toilet facilities. Rhiannon is going to take Nile’s test, despite her comment that she thinks Nile is ‘blatantly politicking.’
Rhiannon, however, gave one of my least favourite rationalisations for being forced to take a drug test:
“I’m happy to be drug and alcohol tested,” Ms Rhiannon said.
“I don’t take drugs or alcohol.“
Just because one doesn’t use drugs is no reason whatsoever to be coerced into such an egregious, politically motivated invasion of privacy. If Lee doesn’t use drugs, she’s got even more reason to refuse to be tested. I’m a bit disappointed Rhiannon cooperated, but hey, that’s politics.
The Greens’ drug policies focus on harm minimisation and evidence based medicine. Damning junkies to hell won’t keep them from contracting HIV, but needle exchanges and safe disposal are proven to reduce rates of infection- and they also protect the public and cleaning staff from infection by accidental needle sticks.
Nile’s stretch of the Greens’ evidence based medical treatment and facilites strategies into an outright accusation of Greens MPs injecting drugs in Parliament is beyond reprehensible. The Rev Nile should tender his resignation.
MORE: An eagle eyed mgk reader has leaked the results of Fred Nile’s drug test!
2 Comments so far
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I agree with you on this Lee is being politically naive and playing into this braying morons web of deceit. Lee should have sued and still should sue Fred dead above the ANKLES(and ankles are 3ft below a c…)Nile as the dimwitted clown made his accusations about the greens drug use outside of parliament,outside the laws protecting him in chamber.What an outrageous smear its as scandalous as saying “if your against the illegal invasion of Iraq then you must support terrorists!” No thats specious in the extreme.
Comment by Jess 04.09.07 @ 3:40 amI thought about Fred DEnile’s “test results” ;D ,and concluded a urine test which is more accurate and can detect a greater variety of drugs is the test DEnile should take to prove his drug virginity ! Of course like sports drug pee tests he should be naked below the waist(eee-eew what a revolting thought)so the possibility of cheating,like sportspeople have to humiliatingly endure can not happen,there needs to be direct observation of the urine exiting his tiny penis,I will gladly supply the magnifying glass needed to observe this if required but decline the job of pervert thanks,if he were to take a pee test he will test positive to Dimethytryptamine or DMT a powerful hallucinogen and neuro-transmitter,endo-CANNABINOIDS and god KNOWS what else! He’s just a dirty druggie like EVERYONE is, as we all have these DRUGS/hormones in our bodies.
Comment by Jess 04.09.07 @ 3:26 pmLeave a comment
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