John Howard, man of the future
Friday June 01st 2007, 1:15 pm


Remember back in April, HoWARd wedgily wanted to ban migrants with HIV? Still does.

However, Johnny now wants lepers banned, too… despite the fact that with present treatments, leprosy is manageable and those under treatment are no longer infectious after a month.

According to a highly placed Canberra souse (no typo), under consideration in the Liberal party room this morning was a proposal from Wilson Tuckey to ban migrants with scurvy; Senator Heffernan is game to block sufferers of potato famine.


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“The Australian National Audit Office found that the Immigration Department has knowingly approved visas for migrants with serious communicable conditions, despite authorities’ inability to monitor them.”

I would love to see that actual Audit Office report.. the numbers involved and the details etc.

There seems to be something fishy going on here, weez. Immigration is already extremely strict on prospective immigrants with health concerns, of any type…. from the overt perspective of possible future health care expenses.

Rodents interest is obviously about keeping the dog whistle warm. Isn’t the audit office more about, where the dollars are going, than attacking Ruddock, now Andrews’ World?

Comment by joe2 06.01.07 @ 8:11 pm

joe, I think you’re right- it’s the old standard dog-whistle/wedge formation from the HoWARd playbook of dirtbaggery.

I don’t think it’ll save him this time.

Comment by weez 06.01.07 @ 11:09 pm

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