Burmese military junta shows how internet censorship is done
Friday September 28th 2007, 11:03 pm

While no one was shot here in Sydney, peaceful protest suppression at APEC by paramilitary police forces wasn’t far from that in Burma.

Bill Leak for The Australian

Hey, Julian– wanna pull off a real raw comedy stunt? Off to Rangoon with youse mob. Dress up as the Dalai Lama again and run the security lines…

Helen Coonan should look to Burma to see exactly how to effectively handle censoring the internet. No lies, every .mm website times out.

A little network sleuthing, looking at http://www.myanmar.gov.mm/, reveals that the DNS system knows that site should be at IP… but when you ping that IP, it does not respond. This indicates that the junta have actually cut the damn cables- or, more likely, turned off the telephony/data terminal equipment.

Scary. A news and communications blackout is the first thing you need to do in this modern world before you commit a few crimes against humanity.

What can you do when the govt shuts off the ‘net? Hope you didn’t throw out that old fax machine


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Off to Rangoon indeed. Appreciate the humour weez 😉

Keep it real.

Comment by Dan 10.01.07 @ 8:17 pm

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