Could you ever, in your wildest dreams, imagine hearing Amounda, Ruddock or Andrews making such a claim?
I actually believe that for the first time in the 12 years I’ve lived in Australia, it finally has a competent, honest and representative federal government, one not interested in power for its own sake, fucking over anything in its path just because it can, unlike its immediate predecessor.
So… I’m back to the working in the veg patch and letting the world take care of itself.
4 Comments so far
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Oh tell me about it! I’ve basically been treating political news with a huge shrug for the past few months.
Comment by Flashman 02.19.08 @ 7:58 pmAt least you haven’t spent some weeks trying to convince yourself that the Lieberals didn’t actually lose… as Mr 9% and Jools Bisho certainly seem to have, at least until yesterday, anyway.
And tell me, where the hell is Turnbull going grilling Swan with this NAIRU shit? Nowhere useful, to be sure. The paucities in Lieberal policies are so much more evident when they’re not in govt…
Comment by weez 02.20.08 @ 5:18 amBut while I’m here… I’m going to cast out a prognostication. The Americans booted the Repuglicans out of control of Congress in 2006. The yanks are thus going to have a seismic political shift similar to ours in just a few months. I reckon President Obama will be taking the oath on 1 Jan 2009.
Comment by weez 02.20.08 @ 5:40 amand then…
Comment by weez 02.20.08 @ 5:06 pmImmigration Minister Chris Evans told a Senate estimates hearing today he had made it a priority on coming to office to finalise 247 cases in which people had been improperly detained by the immigration department.
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