Iemma heavies the press
Wednesday February 27th 2008, 1:28 pm

Time to quit, Morrie.You can tell a government has well and truly, fully failed when it starts threatening the press.

Iemma threatens journos amid donations tension

New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma has threatened journalists they could face a libel suit if they smear Planning Minister Frank Sartor’s reputation, amid fresh allegations property developers can buy influence through political donations.

Mr Iemma was asked today about Mr Sartor’s decision to approve a housing development at Queanbeyan against the advice of his own planning committee.

It has since emerged the developer, Village Building Company, had donated $164,900 to the Labor Party.

Sydney Morning Herald journalist Andrew Clennell also asked the Premier whether it was corrupt for Mr Sartor to invite the managing director of development company Stockland to a Labor fundraiser in 2006.

Mr Sartor has said he cannot recall doing such a thing.

Mr Iemma warned there could be legal consequences for journalists who questioned Mr Sartor’s integrity.

“If you are alleging he’s acted corruptly in a matter that is before him, lay it and face the consequences of a libel action,” he said. […]

OK, Morrie- lawyer up! I wanna see writs at dawn, you feckless twit. At least when your truly ill-considered libel suit gets to court, the facts are a lot more likely to come out.

Someone forgot to tell Iemma that we’ve had a pass of reforms to the defamation laws… can’t defame with truth in NSW anymore.

Iemma’s days to resignation are finitely numbered.


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lay it and face the consequences of a libel action

Water cannons at fifty paces is is, then. We gotta flush these turds into the Domain. And then, and then… Bugger, Royal Commish? Grand Jury? Barry O.?

Comment by hip 02.27.08 @ 7:55 pm

hip, the truly tragic part is that if the NSW ALP is in this sort of shape come the next elections, we’re likely as not to get Fatty O’Barrel and the Lieberals in NSW govt. Even scarier than Iemma, if that’s possible…

Comment by weez 02.27.08 @ 9:58 pm

The Dulli Emma ?

off topic but re:
“Brisbane woman Elizabeth Short said she snapped the photos while on a Bali family holiday last month.

“I know it was Schapelle and I knew it was Mercedes. No question. … I knew straight away,” Ms Short told the Nine Network.

“Anyone who sees these photos will know I’m telling the truth.”

Australian man Shane Jarvis said he was dining in the restaurant when the photographs were taken.
“I just couldn’t believe it. This person was supposed to be doing time,” he said.”

Nice to know 2 Aussies who would actually apply for a visa into INDOfknNesia, are watching out for corruption in Generral Wiranto’s p[risons. fer fkssake.
WHAT!? does “Elizabeth Short actually want? money for her pissy p[hoto? How many nights with rats could she stand. bitch

Comment by Brownie 03.06.08 @ 12:00 pm

If Corby can bribe her way out of jail for an afternoon, brilliant. She’s at least quick enough on the uptake to play the system as much as it can be played.

Comment by weez 03.06.08 @ 1:33 pm

[…] if NSW Premier Iemma heavying the media wasn’t bad enough, the WA Premier’s office have sent the police to lock down and search […]

Pingback by mgk: Machine Gun Keyboard 05.02.08 @ 6:57 am

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