Despite Rudd complaining bitterly while still in opposition about the unnecessarily limited terms of reference available to the Cole inquiry into the AWB scandal, Rudd’s terms of reference for the inquiry into the Haneef debacle will also be limited.
No, Kevvo, no.
Bad Kevvo. Bad.
Sack Mick Keelty and start a proper investigation with terms of reference that will allow the actual causes of the Haneef farce to be publicised. Keeping it hush-hush or limiting the scope to exclude stuff like assessment of the validity of the Scotland Yard info on the location of Haneef’s SIM card, makes the inquiry a complete waste of time and money. If it will be hobbled, Kevvo- please don’t bother.
Nobody, especially not AFP nor Kevin Bloody Andrews (and all other parliamentarians), those who need the lessons the most, will learn anything about the public’s tolerance for being jerked around with the terrorism!!! bogeyman for political point-scoring, without being held properly, fully and publicly accountable by an open and transparent inquiry.
Ever the diplomat, KRudd is allowing some parties to escape with their pride at the expense of the public’s right to know.
That’s NOT why we put you there, Kev.
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