Vanstone ‘technically sacked’
Friday July 22nd 2005, 11:29 am

Vanstone claims there was no error committed by DIMIA when the Hwang children, Ian, age 12 and Janie, age 6, both valid Australian visa holders, were yanked out of their classrooms by DIMIA agents last March and taken to Villawood Immigration Detention Centre where they were detained as ‘illegal non-citizens.’

Vanstone is vomitously attempting yet again to blame the victim for DIMIA cockups. Amounda says that the children were detained in Villawood for 4 months, prevented from attending school, subjected to a deportation order and allowed to witness other detainees attempt suicide and inflict other self-harm- because their mother asked to see them.

Amounda also claims that a new immigration minister will not change the problems in DIMIA.

She’s right.

For the situation to be fully redressed, HoWARd should resign as well.



4 Comments so far
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Grumble Scum Grumble….
That’s all I can muster!

Comment by foxman 07.22.05 @ 4:54 pm

Amanda looks like she is giving JH some kind of offensive Southern/Eastern European hand gesture.

Comment by dj 07.22.05 @ 5:38 pm

Vanstone is vomitously
…sick bags FULL!

Comment by suki 07.22.05 @ 8:01 pm

Streetfighting Brownie reporting in Weezil Sir! Today I went to a union anti IR demo and waved my rebel flag (eureka) and everytime a speaker said hoWARd I yelled ‘lying sack o shit!’ there’s life in the old girl still.

Comment by Brownie 07.31.05 @ 1:09 am

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