Photoshopped Iranian missile diplomacy
Friday July 11th 2008, 5:36 am

I was born at night, but not last night

Not fooling anyone (click for larger image)

Amazing how the Iranian military got two of those smoke plumes UTTERLY identical in a photo they released.

Great missile technology… or fully lame Photoshopping? You tell me. I’ve only circled a couple of the obvious edits- there’s more.

WHY would the Iranians want to give the hawks in Washington and Jerusalem a reason to blast them back to the stone-age? Or did they? I wonder where this image actually came from- don’t you? Perhaps it came from the same joint that brought you Iraqi weapons of mass distraction.

I guess it could be worse.


MORE: Iran ‘doctored missile photo’

2 Comments so far
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I’ve always thought of Iran as basically giant trolls on Americas power.

Why do it? Because its funny*

Well funny until someone loses a finger 🙁

*This might not actually be the real reason, but its amusing to imagine Iran doing it for the lols.

Comment by Don Oorst 07.15.08 @ 2:00 pm

Can’t stop chuckling over your “it could be worse” picture. Very funny in your weezil way.

Comment by FootPrince 08.01.08 @ 1:51 pm

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