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Annual average US household spend on clothing and services in 2006: $1874
Annual average cost of dressing Sarah Palin: $900,000
Hockey mums shop at Target, not Neiman Marcus & Saks 5th Ave.
…but it’s cool, all of the clothes are going to charity after Palin has worn them… once. three times.
But have the RNC broken a law that McC himself sponsored?
Comment by weez 10.24.08 @ 10:00 pm[…]the 2002 McCain-Feingold campaign finance law that McCain sponsored specifically prohibits any funds that “are donated for the purpose of supporting the activities of a federal or state office holder” from being used for personal expenses including clothing.
On the topic of Palin’s wardrobe, a friend of my daughter’s commented that, “The empress has no clothes!”.
Comment by rainie 10.26.08 @ 4:02 pmLeave a comment
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