It is finally over. It has finally begun.
Wednesday January 21st 2009, 4:40 am

Barack Hussein Obama has been inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States, ending the darkest eight years in American history.

I have deliberately avoided traveling to my mother country in these last eight years, primarily because the former king president famously broke the promise he made on his illbegotten inaugurations, specifically the promise to uphold and defend the Constitution. The golden document which makes the United States what it is, that parchment which has been replicated and emulated by new nations the world over for the last 233 years, was not just ignored but openly defied and defiled by the former wannabe king. I could not rest assured that my rights as enumerated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights would be protected were I to chance to travel to my mother country.

I’m looking forward, finally, to coming to visit my family in the USA- hopefully soon.


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