Thanks to partisan ‘newsfotainment’ from right-wing pundits like Rush Dimbulb, tripe fountains like Fux Noise and to a lesser degree from irresponsibly written conservative nutbag blogs, what sensible folk once all rejected as drunken pub-spew now not only sees the light of day but has a few 750W klieg lights shone upon it and is then given international exposure via the ‘net. What used to be simple nonsense is now nonsense on very tall stilts.
Malcontents, conspiracy theorists and nutballs have been around as long as there’s been such a thing as bullshit which can be labelled a personal opinion, thus justifying public dissemination of nonsense, since opinions can never be wrong… or can they?
toon by the brilliant Matt Bors
In the only moment I’ve ever seen him even slightly nervous, President Obama fluffed a line when taking the oath of office. The line that Obama was to repeat was misread by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. Obama dutifully repeated the line as read to him.
Obama, keenly aware since well before his run for the White House of how asshats are known to spin shite into political gold, had Justice Roberts re-administer the oath of office, though law scholars saw no particular legal need for him to do so:
Jeffrey Rosen, a US constitutional law expert and professor at George Washington University in Washington, said stumbling over the oath had “no impact. News flash: He’s President”.
Let’s hope Obama doesn’t make a habit of getting mired in defences against internuts.
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