Westboro Baptist Church
(WBC Chronicles – Since 1955)
3701 SW 12th Street Topeka, Kansas 66604 785-273-0325 www.godhatesfags.com
Religious Opinion and Bible Commentary on Current Events
Monday, February 9, 2009
Yes. It is WBC’s sincerely held religious belief that
Australia is a land of False Prophets, many ofwhom
are fags or fag-enablers. They helped create a
hellish Zeitgeist wherein a world-wide Sodomite
cult flourishes, and wherein Final Antichrist Beast
Obama has been able to come to the Presidency of
the United States and the de facto Leader of the socalled
Free World. Mat. 7:15-20; Rev. 13:1-18. God
is punishing Australia for her part in this worldwide
fiasco; worse and more of it is coming from God.
“And the anger of the Lord
was kindled against this land, to
bring upon it all the curses that
are written in this book.”
Deut. 29:27.
I wish the fundonuts would come together on what their god was pissed off about. It’s either abortion or homosexuality. I suppose it could be either. Why then don’t Danny Nalliah and Fred Phelps just make the beast with two backs and then hurry off to get a nice, pleasant abortion when Danny falls pregnant? It could be THE APOCALYPSE, which both fairly obviously want desperately.
I’d like to offer a free plane ticket to Mr Phelps to come to Kinglake or Marysville and make the same statements in front of the local community. I somehow think that a one-way booking will be sufficient.
In the meantime, news.com.au are back on their usual Muslim bashing trip…
Jihadists celebrating Victoria fires; taking joy in the scenes
…while they ignore Phelps.
3 Comments so far
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[…] of weez via Grods. And more on the News.com story from Irfan […]
Pingback by God is Great « Not a Hedgehog 02.15.09 @ 4:45 pm[…] apocalyptic Christians (Catch the Fire, Westboro Baptist Church) claim that it was all just God’s wrath against either abortion or the tolerance of homosexual…. Allegedly (anyone with something more reliable that this News Ltd. article feel welcome to post a […]
Pingback by Apocalyptic certainty may make you feel good, but there are people on this planet other than yourself « The Thinkers’ Podium 02.16.09 @ 7:05 pmSick Fucks.
Was doesn’t Fred Phelch hate Danny Nalliah? He’s a gay abortion.
Comment by Terry Wright 02.19.09 @ 6:06 pmLeave a comment
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