Catherine Deveney busts a nut on snake oil for medical pseudoproblems.
Deveney unfortunately needs some ugly yellow billboards or annoying penis pianist TV spots on SBS to get heard, though.
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And, in the red corner, we have the jocks of the religious right. Weezus jept, I spent most of the seventies flogging sex toys in the Cross, The “Happy Hippy” in me is absolutely certain that, at least as far as sex is concerned, there ain’t no such critter as a RNP. Just upmarket chimps, recreating like their gene pool depends on it… ;o]
It’s also why I’m not surprised that Viagra didn’t annihilate this market.
(and a Conroy Curse on Akismet, et al.)
Hip, you indeed got moderated by Akismet with your use of the brand name of the little blue pill… Sorry about that.
Comment by weez 02.28.09 @ 5:53 amThanks, weez. Three counts:
For trawling the spam bin (Conroy won’t)
For the heads up on which word (ditto)
And for tellin’ me their colour (which, of course, I still deny knowing) :o)
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