Quit your day job, Pete
Sunday March 15th 2009, 9:21 am

please please please quit Parliament, Peteimage: ABC

Seriously, do we have to wait for the next natural disaster resulting in the deaths of hundreds or thousands to get the Oils on stage? As concert ticket prices go, that’s bloody high.


2 Comments so far
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I’m a humble carpenter, astonished by your continent’s beauty. my dream is to come to australia and build homes for ozzies. would anybody be able to tell me the condition of the high end housing market? My wife and I are both open intellectual types only asking about Oz as a place to come to and be welcomed. America has gone to shite. We would welcome advice on emigration, ….rambling now….mostly wishing advice on reception of 40ish couple in a strange land from the American Midwest {not fat and bloated} with at least one degree between us. Australia….you seem a temptress and a mystery…I wish some comment from your American friend.
matt from ohio

Comment by matt 03.18.09 @ 12:29 pm

Matt, I’m also an American, originally from Ohio (Summit County). I came to live in Sydney in 1996, have been here ever since.

Sorry, but your timing could not be worse. Migration numbers have just been cut, with building trades skilled migration cut to zero, due to our own unemployment problems in the housing industry.

Comment by weez 03.18.09 @ 2:52 pm

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