Isn’t it a bit ironic that almost 60 years to the day after the advent of nuclear war on this planet, the Australian Government would take control of all the uranium deposits in the NT?
Will Ian Macfarlane offer us any certainty that the uranium sold to China won’t end up in Pakistani missiles? Blowback sucks.
Nuclear wars and dirty bombs don’t happen if no uranium is mined. Of course there’s lots of fissile material around… but it has to stop somewhere… why not here? Why not now?
Simple… because uranium yellowcake is going for $28 per US pound, that’s why. And as Macfarlane said… the NT is open for business.
4 Comments so far
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If Uranium was $100 dollars a pound it would still be better left in the ground.
Comment by Le Driver 08.06.05 @ 8:32 amLeD, it’s either uranium in the ground… or you & me in the ground.
Good luck with your writing competition!
Comment by weezil 08.06.05 @ 8:40 amalong with Shrub wanting to build new nukes.
I swear, we ARE going BACKWARDS!
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