Rabid Facebook racist Terrie-Anne Verney thought she could get away with vomiting vile racial vilifications all over the planet.
Verney was employed at a community FM radio station where the continued good character of the licensee is a key condition for licence renewal. The character of the licensee is assessed by ACMA on a number of factors, inclusive of the good character of the staffers.
Suggesting that Indian students should have a gun held to their heads to persuade them to return to India to study along with spewing countless other racial vilifications, as Verney did while she was an administrator of the patently racist ‘Fuck Off We’re Full’ and ‘Australian Protectionist Party’ Faceboook groups, along with her membership in xenophobic Facebook groups such as “Stop the Islamisation of Australia while we still can”, “Australian Conservative United Party”, the “Australian Protectionist Party” and “Australians against Multiculturalism” can in no way be deemed to be indicative of her good character.
Further, most employment agreements contain a caveat enjoining the employee from participation in conduct that may cause the employer to be held in disrepute. There’s little more disreputable than racial vilification, notably with utter falsehoods.
Much to their credit, the Griffith Community FM Radio Association recognised that Verney’s administration of and participation in racist Facebook groups was highly likely to cause 2MIA to be held in disrepute- and sacked her within 24 hours of being notified of her public misconduct.
Verney’s racist mates have naturally run to her defence, but it truly takes an extremist nutbag to see the silver lining in a mushroom cloud. Kid you not, the bigots in FOWF are attempting to claim that Verney’s the persecuted party, that she is a victim of ‘political terrorism’ and are attempting to launder a little money in her direction, as though racism and threats upon ethnic minorities are valid political positions worthy of free speech protection. Hate speech is never free speech. Verney herself attempted to excuse her racism by claiming to be a ‘patriot.’ Racism is not a character of any patriot, anywhere on earth.
Not until the Virgin Terrie makes daily appearances on toast will her misconducts be considered persecutions worthy of canonisation.
2 Comments so far
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Hate speech is never free speech.
So very true. ‘Political terrorism’, my arse.
Comment by Chasy 07.05.09 @ 11:42 pmIt’s indeed possible that some nazis have gotten some of the message:
“All members of any organisation like the Protectionist Party should take EXTRA special care of what they say on the internet, what you say has real world repercussions. There is a couple of statements in there by Terri Anne about the KKK which should have not been said and the other one about holding a gun to their heads. A lot of people may think along those lines but if your a member a of an electoral-based party like the Protectionists it simply is not on and really bad PR.”
Why yes, threats and vilification really are bad PR. Good of them to notice. This in no way means that they won’t continue to want to do these things, just be a bit quieter about it. Once elected, then they can take the gloves off, eh? 😕
Comment by weez 07.06.09 @ 3:58 pmLeave a comment
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