American idiot derides ‘air strikes’ on feral camels
Thursday August 06th 2009, 8:38 am

CNBC’s Erin Burnett has smeared Kevin Rudd (spin on to 3m15s) as a ‘serial killer‘ after he approved a cull of a million feral camels in the outback.

“There is a serial killer in Australia and we’re going to put his picture up so you can see who it is.”

“That would be the prime minister of Australia Kevin Rudd,” Burnett said.

“OK well do you know what he is doing?

“He has launched air strikes – air strikes – against camels in the outback.”


I guess killing camel jockeys (and wedding parties) with air strikes is OK, but *snif* leeeeve the por CAMELS alone!

In fairness, one ignorant American newsie does not a national character make, unless of course, you think it’s OK for all Australians to be stereotyped on the example of, say, Piers Akerman.

Burnett’s definitely not scoring a lot of gravitas or credibility as a journalist.

Maybe she otta stick to getting her kit off for lads’ mags.

Oh, wait, Burnett now says it was just a ‘deadpan joke.’

Sort of like the rest of her reporting?


4 Comments so far
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In another huge boost for her credibility, in the first photo she appears to be standing next to Jim Cramer. Jim “please, Jon Stewart, don’t destroy me any more” Cramer.

Comment by Jeremy 08.06.09 @ 4:36 pm

FUCK it’s painful to watch Cramer getting Stewartised, Jeremy.

My fondest hope that Cramer goes back to living in his car… and Burnett is next for a Daily Show dakking.

Comment by weez 08.06.09 @ 6:04 pm

This idiot can accuse me of chemical warfare too if she likes.
I spent time flying over our national parks poison bait “bombing” feral cats and foxes which prey on our native fauna.

Comment by Master Baiter 08.07.09 @ 2:55 am

Burnett clearly doesn’t want to know what we do to the cute widdle bunny wabbits… nor much about the burgeoning sport of cane toad golf in QLD & the NT. 😀

Comment by weez 08.07.09 @ 8:36 am

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