Censorship is a modest measure: Conroy
Tuesday April 13th 2010, 10:48 am

The SMH covers Senator Conroy once again footbulleting.

Conroy is still suffering under the delusions that there’s a problem to address and that his censorship plan will in any way affect what people view on the ‘net. 17 years of uncensored public internet access in Australia has not caused society to implode. Proxies, onion router apps and VPNs will render Rudd/Conroy’s censorship system completely moot, as anyone who wishes to circumvent the censorship will do so.

The good Senator dribbled:

“There are some who want to argue that on the internet, people should be able to publish anything they like – regardless of whether it contravenes laws in the off-line world.”

As regards equality between internet and old media censorship, Conroy’s right. The Classification Board et al. should be abolished immediately to bring old media regulation in line with the more enlightened policy of unfettered speech and access on the present internet.


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