TAMoz: $445 per ticket? Huh? No.
Sunday June 06th 2010, 7:20 am

The Amazing Meeting/Oz, featuring speakers like James Randi, Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, Dr Rachael Dunlop and many more, will surely be enjoyable and educational.

However- the ticket price is $445 (a bit less if you are a student or an Australian Skeptics member)! Sorry TAMoz, that’s just wacky. Let’s think about what $445 will buy in Australia: 6 weeks’ groceries for this household of two, four new car tyres, a new PC, and so on.

I guess it all depends on what the intent of the conference may be. I’d hope that what is intended is to spread the notions of skeptical and critical thinking. However, $445 is a price which is going to prevent quite a number of people who are already sympathetic to skepticism from attending- those who are new to the ideas would almost certainly reject that price out of hand.

Sorry TAMoz, you’ve priced even this sympathetic skeptic out of the market. I hope those attending all have a lovely time, but I think you’re shooting the skeptical movement in your own two feet. At $445 a ticket, TAMoz will merely attract a converted choir with significant disposable income. At that price, TAMoz is not going to spread skeptical and critical thinking. Might keep the riff-raff like me out, though…


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