Labor Senator Kate Lundy gets it mostly right on internet censorship
Wednesday June 09th 2010, 6:20 am

Senator Kate Lundy has revised her opinion on Labor’s internet filtering policy and is now advocating opt-in, with the default being unfiltered.

Yes, ma’am. This allows parents to parent and preserves freedom of expression.

Will Labor Caucus listen before it’s too late?

Not holding my breath.

However, ISP level filters are still much more circumventable than a filtering application installed on a properly configured PC. Parents should not rely solely on any ISP based filtering apparatus.

There also remains the danger that if a government imposed filtering system is implemented in ISPs that some government may literally flip a switch and make it mandatory for all users.

Rudd could pick up an easy 10% in his flagging poll numbers just by putting Conroy on the backbench and installing Lundy as Communications Minister. It could make the difference between winning and losing the next election.

Mind you, a better idea for Labor would be withdraw internet censorship permanently and entirely from the legislative agenda.


2 Comments so far
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Nothing less than total Internet freedom – zero government censorship or control – will satisfy citizens of the western world. May a tidal wave rise up and crash down upon any idea to filter the Internet.

Comment by bulletproofcourier 06.10.10 @ 4:55 pm

@RenaiLeMay crafts a brilliant piece for ITWire:

Conroy vs Lundy: A 14-year comparison study

…which includes just about every possible reason why Conroy should go to the backbench and why Lundy should be elevated to the Communications Minister position.

Don’t miss this one.

Comment by weez 06.10.10 @ 9:09 pm

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