The Australian ran a story on 21 July in which ‘Bob Brown’ was quoted, regarding the September 11, 2001 attacks in the USA:
“The 9/11 commission was not conclusive that al-Qa’ida was responsible,” the Western Port News quotes Mr Brown as saying.
“There are huge questions that need to be asked — one building came down without being hit, architects say the building looked like they were brought down by controlled explosions. What happened to the bodies and plane at the Pentagon?”
However, these conspiracy nutter comments are NOT from Senator Bob Brown, leader of the Australian Greens.
The statements were made by a different person, also named ‘Bob Brown,’ who is the Greens candidate for the Victorian seat of Flinders.
The Australian Greens advise:
At 11:32 AM 23/07/2010 +1000, Dodd, John (Office of Senator Bob Brown) wrote:
This response has taken a somewhat convoluted route to get to you but the unfortunate quotations to which you refers are indeed from Bob Brown, but not Senator Bob Brown. They were made by another Bob Brown who is the Greens’ candidate in the Victorian seat of Flinders and obviously do not reflect Senator Brown’s opinion on this issue.
John Dodd
Office of Senator Bob Brown
These comments were actually made by a Greens candidate for Flinders who also has the name Bob Brown (as opposed to the Senator for Tasmania). Mr Brown (of Flinders) has issued an apology and retracted the statement about his comments on 911.
Kind regards,
Anna Sildever
Electorate Officer
Office of Bob Brown
Australian Greens Senator for Tasmania
I thought for a moment that Senator Bob Brown had lost his mind.
He hasn’t.
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